CTU ICT Week 2024 – St Kitts and Nevis

September 30, 2024 - October 4, 2024
Venue: St. Kitts and Nevis

CTU ICT Week, the CTU’s signature annual event, has been hosted in many of its twenty (20) Member States. The theme for 2024 is ‘Bridging Technologies for a Sustainable and Inclusive Future’. The event will promoting ICT development, discuss emerging trends and facilitate meaningful collaboration between various stakeholders in the Caribbean and beyond.


Monday 30th September 10:00 – 16:0022nd Ministerial Seminar
Monday 30th September 09:00 – 12:00CTU 2nd Caribbean ICT Youth Network Forum
Monday 30th September 12:00 – 13:00Press Conference
Monday 30th September 13:00 – 16:00Secondary School Forum
Monday 30th September 19:00 – 22:00Opening Ceremony
Tuesday 1st October 09:00 – 13:0051st Executive Council (EC51) (Closed and by Invitation only)
Tuesday 1st October 13:00 – 17:00Joint Meeting of 51st EC and 30th GC (Open)
Tuesday 1st October 19:00 – 22:00Reception – Hosted by Hon. Konris Maynard
Wednesday 2nd October 09:00 – 16:0030th General Conference of Ministers (GC30 Closed and by Invitation)
Wednesday 2nd October 10:00 – 15:00St. Kitts Scenic Railway Tour
Wednesday 2nd October 16:00 – 22:00Cocktail Reception Hosted by Hon. Mark Brantley – Premier, Nevis
Thursday 3rd October 09:00 – 16:009th Caribbean ICT Regulators Forum including a Commonwealth Connectivity Agenda (CCA) presentation on Designing and Implementing Regulatory Impact (By Invitation Only)
Thursday 3rd October 09:00 – 16:00CCA Legal Reform and Digitalisation Working Group meeting
Thursday 3rd October 09:00 – 16:00CTU ICT4PWDs Workshops for the Blind, Deaf and Persons with Mobility Challenges
Thursday 3rd October 09:00 – 13:00Caribbean Network Operators Group (CARIBNOG) Special Meeting 
Thursday 3rd October 13:00 – 16:00SKN Cybersecurity Awareness Forum
Friday 4th October 13:00 – 17:00St. Kitts TechFest 

CTU ICT Week 2024 – St. Kitts and Nevis

Theme: Bridging Technologies for a Sustainable and Inclusive Future

Official Opening Ceremony

St. Kitts Marriott, Frigate Bay, St. Kitts

Monday 30th September 2024

(By Invitation Only)


19:00 National Anthem Master of Ceremonies
19:03 Opening Prayer
19:05 Welcome Remarks Ms. Cheryleann M. Pemberton

Permanent Secretary

Ministry of Information, Communications, and Technology and Posts

19:10 Opening Remarks Senator, the Hon. Hassel Bacchus


Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) and

Minister of Digital Transformation

Trinidad and Tobago

19:15 Greetings      Mr. Kareem Bikhit

Co-founder and Chief Visionary Officer (CVO)

Paradise Mobile, Bermuda

Headline Sponsor

19:20 Keynote Address Mrs. Doreen Bogdan-Martin


International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

19:30 Feature Address


The Honourable Konris Maynard

Minister of Public Infrastructure, Energy and Utilities, Domestic Transport, Information, Communications and Technology and Posts

19:40 Cultural Interlude
19:50 Feature Address Hon. Dickon Mitchell

Prime Minister, Grenada

Chairman, CARICOM and Lead Head for Science and Technology

20:00 Cultural Moment and Official Photo
20:30 Opening Ceremony Reception
22:00 End of Official Opening Ceremony

22nd Caribbean Ministerial Strategic ICT Seminar

St. Kitts Marriott, St. Kitts

Monday 30th September 2024

Provisional Agenda



Time Item Presenter
10:00 Welcome and Introductory Remarks Mr. Rodney Taylor

Secretary-General, CTU

10:05 Remarks Headline Sponsor (TBC)
10:10 Keynote Address: Mrs. Doreen Bogdan-Martin

Secretary-General, ITU

10:20 Feature Address: Hon. Dickon Mitchell

Prime Minister of Grenada

10:30 Coffee Break and Group Photo
11:00 Panel Discussion: Emerging Technology Trends – 6G and Beyond





Ms. Natalia Vicente

VP Public Affairs
Global Satellite Operators Association (GSOA)

Mr. Kareem Bikhit

Co-founder and CVO

Paradise Mobile, Bermuda

11:25 Q&A  
11:30 Panel Discussion: A Regional Approach to Adoption of Cloud in Government: Benefits and Challenges






Mr. Eamonn Sheehy

Director, Public Sector

Cloud Carib

Mr. Giovanni King, CEO

Caribbean Data Center Association (CDA)

Ms. Diana Cuevas Jurney
Caribbean Representative
Public Sector and Education


11:55 Q&A  
12:00 Lunch Break
13:30 Presentation on Digital Inclusion Initiatives Mrs. Cynthia Reddock-Downes

Chief Executive Officer, TATT

13:40 Strategies for Bridging the Digital Divide in the Caribbean Moderator:


Mr. Ryan Johnson

Senior Director, Global Market Access & Government Affairs


Mr. Sebastian Kaplan

Cable and Wireless

Mr. Gonzalo de Dios

Head Global Licensing for Amazon Project Kuiper


14:10 Sponsors’ Lightning Presentations:







Mr. Hector Gutierrez

Territory Manager, Cloudflare

Sponsor 2: Fortinet

Gabriela Lago

Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs, Echostar

Sponsor 4: TSTT

Sponsor 5: Huawei Rep

14:50 Q&A  
15:00 Coffee Break
15:30 Panel Discussion:  Data Privacy in an AI-Driven World




Moderator: (Regional data Commissioner)


Ms. Deborah Galindo

Manager Public Policy Central America and the Caribbean


Ms. Diana Cuevas Jurney
Caribbean Representative
Public Sector and Education

Google Cloud

Mr. Philip Victor

Partner & Managing Director

Asia Pacific, Welchman Keen

16:00 Q&A  
16:10 Panel Discussion:  Resiliency in the ICT Sector in the Face of Climate Change







James Wild

Founding Partner & Principal Consultant, Cenerva

Mr. Philip Victor

Partner & Managing Director

Asia Pacific, Welchman Keen

16:40 Q&A  
16:50 Wrap Up Mr. Rodney Taylor

Secretary-General, CTU

17:00 Close of 22nd Caribbean Ministerial Strategic ICT Seminar


CTU ICT Week 2024 – St. Kitts and Nevis

Theme: Bridging Technologies for a Sustainable and Inclusive Future

2nd Caribbean ICT Youth Network Meeting (Hybrid)

St. Kitts Marriott, Frigate Bay, St. Kitts

Monday 30th September 2024

Provisional Agenda


Time Item Presenter / Facilitator
09:00 Welcome and Introduction Mr. Rodney Taylor

Secretary-General, CTU


Ms. Gabrielle Johnson

09:15 Introductions – Youth Representatives Youth Representatives
09:30 Keynote Address: The Role of Youth in Building a Sustainable and Inclusive Future Ms. Dunola Oladapo

International Telecommunications Union


10:00 Capacity Building Session: AI GSMA
10:45 Coffee Break
11:00 Capacity Building Session: Cybersecurity TBC
12:00 Open Discussion: Strategies to Increase Membership and Promote the Youth Network
12:25 Next Steps Mr. Tariq Mohammed
12:35 Closing and Lunch Mr. Rodney Taylor

Secretary-General, CTU

13:00 End of 2nd Caribbean Youth Network Meeting

Prime Minister of Grenada and Lead Head for Science and Technology

Hon. Dickon Mitchell

The Honourable Dickon Mitchell is Grenada’s 9th Prime Minister. A man of humble beginnings, Dickon Mitchell’s story is one of success, forged from hard work, determination, and a deep desire for betterment. Dickon Mitchell began his service to Grenada in 1996 as a teacher at his Alma Mater, the Presentation Brothers College. This two-year stint allowed him to appreciate the full spectrum of the educational experience in Grenada and cemented his desire to do more by advocating for the educational advancement of all Grenadians. In 1998, he enrolled at the University of the West Indies in pursuit of a law degree. After completing Hugh Wooding Law School in Trinidad, his commitment to serve Grenada brought him straight home where he commenced his law practice at Grant, Joseph, and Co. and immediately distinguished himself as a formidable lawyer, representing many individuals and business entities. Three years later, he would acquire Grant, Joseph, and Co. In 2016, Dickon Mitchell opened another law firm, Mitchell & Co, a manoeuvre strongly influenced by his vision to create more employment for young and upcoming lawyers. His ambitions have always been tethered to his desire to give back and, as such, he has never divorced himself from the community. Dickon Mitchell’s collective experiences as a teacher, mentor, lawyer and youth advocate shaped his commitment to Grenada and motivated his decision to enter the political arena. On June 23, 2022, only eight months into his political career, Dickon Mitchell led his party to victory. He was sworn in on June 24, 2022. As Prime Minister, the Honourable Dickon Mitchell is working, with his Cabinet of Ministers, to move Grenada forward — building the foundation for an equitable society that takes pride in its culture, heritage and identity.


Doreen Bogdan-Martin

Doreen Bogdan-Martin took office as Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on 1 January 2023. Ms Bogdan-Martin has held leadership positions in the field of international telecommunications policy for over three decades, with a track-record of brokering innovative partnerships to expand digital inclusion and connectivity for everyone around the world. Following her historic election by ITU Member States in September 2022, she became the first woman ever to head the organization, which was first established in 1865 and became a UN specialized agency in 1947. As ITU Secretary-General, she aims to drive innovative solutions, maximize ITU’s relevance for its 193 Member States, intensify global cooperation on connecting the unconnected, and strengthen the alignment of ITU’s programmes with the Sustainable Development Goals set out by the United Nations. Ms Bogdan-Martin has consistently emphasized the need for digital transformation to achieve economic prosperity, job creation, skills development, gender equality, and socio-economic inclusion, as well as to build circular economies, reduce climate impact, and save lives. As Director of ITU’s Telecommunication Development Bureau for a four-year term starting in 2018, she helped put sustainable digital development at the forefront of international cooperation, including with the private sector and civil society. She actively promoted the Partner2Connect initiative, which has mobilized unprecedented pledges of funding and support for meaningful Internet connectivity in developing countries. Earlier, she was instrumental in establishing the ITU-UNESCO Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development, serving as its Executive Director for more than a decade, contributed to the success of ITU’s Global Symposium for Regulators as the pre-eminent worldwide meeting for digital policy makers, and led in the formulation of  ITU’s youth engagement strategy. She also pioneered ITU’s ongoing contribution to the EQUALS Global Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age and initiated collaboration with UNICEF on the Giga project to connect every school worldwide to the Internet. ​ Within ITU, she has promoted gender equality and encouraged bringing more women into the workforce, as well as helping women grow professionally and contributing to networks of women pursuing gender-balanced participation in conferences and policy making. From 2008 until 2018, Ms Bogdan-Martin served as Chief of ITU’s Strategic Planning and Membership Department, overseeing corporate communications, external affairs, corporate strategy, and membership. Earlier, she headed the Regulatory and Market Environment Division and Regulatory Reform Unit in the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau​. Before joining ITU in 1994, she worked at the U.S. Department of Commerce as a Telecommunication Policy Specialist in the National Telecommunication and Information Administration. Ms Bogdan-Martin holds a Master’s in International Communications Policy from American University in Washington, DC, a post-graduate certification in Strategies for Leadership from the Institute for Management Development in Lausanne, Switzerland, and a certification in Accountability and Ethics from the UN Leaders Programme. She is also a qualified amateur radio operator. Ms Bogdan-Martin is married with four children.

CTU President and Minister of Digital Transformation Trinidad and Tobago

Sen. the Hon. Hassel Bacchus

Senator the Honourable Hassel Larry Bacchus was appointed as the Minister of Digital Transformation on July 12, 2021; after serving previously as Minister in the Ministry of Public Administration and Digital Transformation from August 19, 2020. The holder of an A.A.S. in Electronics Engineering Technology from the University of the District of Columbia, Washington, D.C.; and certifications in Leadership Development and Project Management, Minister Bacchus has had a 30-year professional career in the field of Telecommunications. Having begun as a technician, he rose rapidly through the ranks to become Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of the Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (TSTT). Viewed as an experienced leader and visionary in the technology arena, he is often called upon to lend his expertise and insight to advance the development of practitioners in the field. A son of Tobago, Minister Bacchus willingly accepted the challenge of leading Trinidad and Tobago’s digital transformation efforts as a critical aspect of the country’s sustainable development journey. Guided by the core principles and values of collaboration, credibility, resilience, responsiveness and transparency, he is unswerving in his quest to enhance the lives of citizens through the provision of end-to-end goods and services using appropriate digital technology.

Minister of Public Infrastructure, Energy and Utilities, Domestic Transport, Information, Communications and Technology and Posts.

Hon. Konris Maynard


Rodney Taylor

Mr. Rodney Taylor was appointed Secretary-General of the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) on March 1, 2021. Prior to this, he held senior positions in the Government of Barbados, serving as the Chief Digital Technology Officer at Barbados’ Ministry of Industry, Innovation, Science and Technology(MIST) where he led the nation’s digital transformation, focusing on enhancing public sector service delivery through strategic innovation, science, and SMART technology applications. Additionally, Mr. Taylor served as the Head of the Information Systems Unit at Barbados’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, where he oversaw operations at both local and overseas missions. With over 25 years of professional experience in the Public Sector, Mr. Taylor currently supports collaboration amongst Caribbean Governments and other ICT Stakeholders in shaping regional ICT policies and in implementation of national strategies. Mr. Taylor currently chairs the International Telecommunication Union’s Informal Expert Group for the World Telecommunication/ICT Policy Forum 2026 (IEG-WTPF). Recognised as an authority on Technology and Internet Governance, Mr. Taylor holds a Masters in Management and Information Systems and a Post-graduate Diploma in Public Sector Management.

Senior Director for Regulatory Affairs

Ryan Johnson

Ryan Johnson is the Senior Director for Regulatory Affairs at the global satellite broadband firm, Viasat. He holds a master’s degree in Contemporary Diplomacy and Internet Governance from the University of Malta, and a bachelors in Political Science. Prior to joining Viasat, he worked for over 10 years in the global technology policy space, with a focus on cybersecurity, development, and connecting the unconnected. His work has been published in academic journals, magazines, and UN publications.

Managing Director, Welchman Keen

Philip Victor

Philip brings over 30 years of experience in the field of information technology and over two decades specifically in the cybersecurity domain.                     A recipient of the Senior Information Security Leadership Award for his contributions in enhancing public-private partnerships globally, Philip’s role includes spearheading Cyber Risk for Critical Infrastructure practice and engagement with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and governments. In Philip’s previous role working with the ITU, Philip assisted governments globally in enhancing their cybersecurity postures through various initiatives and projects including National Cybersecurity Strategy, Child Online Protection, National Computer Emergency Response Team, Capacity Building and International Cooperation. Philip served on Taylor’s University Industry Advisory Panel and the Board of Study for the International Business School at University Technology Malaysia. Philip is a regular speaker at international conferences, forums and seminars on cybersecurity and has written articles for both local and international publications. Philip has also been featured and interviewed in international.