20th Caribbean Internet Governance Forum

August 21, 2024 - August 23, 2024
Venue: Pegasus Hotel, Georgetown, Guyana


Wednesday 21st August
09:00 – 10:00
Opening Ceremony
Wednesday 21st August
10:30 – 12:00
Introduction to Internet Governance, CIGF 20, National, Regional & Global IG Contexts
Wednesday 21st August
13:30 – 17:00
3rd Caribbean Youth Internet Governance Forum
Thursday 22nd August
09:00 – 12:30
Capacity Building: Global Forum for Cyber Expertise -Facilitated Sessions
Thursday 22nd August
13:00 – 17:30
Capacity Building: Global Forum for Cyber Expertise -Facilitated Sessions
Thursday 22nd August
17:00 – 19:00
Friday 23rd August
09:00 – 10:00
Friday 23rd August
10:30 – 12:00
Guyana Focus Session
Friday 23rd August
13:00 – 15:00
Examining the UN’s Global Digital Compact
Friday 23rd August
15:00 – 17:00
Open Forum and Closing

The Caribbean Internet Governance Forum (CIGF) is a regional, non-hierarchical, multi-stakeholder forum initiated by the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat in 2005 to coordinate a regional approach to Internet Governance (IG), initially focussed on the proceedings of the United Nations’ World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).  The CIGF has since met annually and has delivered significant and pioneering benefits to the region including formulation of a Caribbean Internet Governance Policy Framework; the proliferation of Internet exchange points (IXPs); capacity building in IG Principles and best practices; and growth in Caribbean influence in international IG fora. The CIGF is the longest running Internet Governance Forum in the world.

This year the 20th CIGF will return to Guyana, where it was launched in 2005. It will be staged in-person but with remote participation via online videoconferencing under the auspices of the CTU and the Government of Guyana. In addition to reviewing achievements over the years, the Forum will address various facets of Internet Governance of current import to the Caribbean including UN initiatives to adopt a Global Digital Compact in September 2024 and undertake a 20-year review of WSIS-initiated activities in 2025 (WSIS+20 Review); enhancing the reach, resiliency and sustainability of critical digital infrastructure in the Caribbean; fostering adoption and growth of our digital economies in a trusted and secure manner; and harnessing the benefits of emergent technologies (e.g. AI) while minimising attendant risks. The 3rd Caribbean Youth Internet Governance Forum (3rd CYIGF) will also be hosted during the time of the 20th CIGF.

  • Consider Internet governance policies and initiatives for priority attention and regional consensus to facilitate accelerated digital transformation in the Caribbean
  • Elicit the voices and develop the capacity of Caribbean youth in Internet governance by facilitating the 3rd Caribbean Youth Internet Governance Forum
  • Build national and regional capacity and systems in IG to enable, support, strengthen and sustain socio-economic development and effective Caribbean participation and representation at regional and global Internet Governance fora

Target Audience

  • Academia
  • Civil society
  • Government policy makers and IT Managers
  • Internet users
  • Internet service providers and Telecommunications operators
  • International organisations
  • ICT Regulators


Day 1 – Aug 21
20th CIGF & 3rd CYIGF
Day 2 – Aug 22
20th CIGF – Global Forum for Cyber Expertise – Internet, Infrastructure Initiative (GFCE Triple-I) Workshop
Day 3 – Aug 23
20th CIGF – ARIN/LACNIC/CTU Policy Forum & Guyana Focus

DAY 1 – 20th Caribbean Internet Governance Forum

09:00 National Anthem
09:03 Opening Prayer Inter-Religious Organization
09:05 Opening Remarks Mr. Rodney Taylor
Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU)
09:10 Greetings from Partner Organizations Mr. Albert Daniels
Senior Manager, Stakeholder Engagement –  Caribbean, ICANN.
Mr. Sebastian Bellagamba
VP, External Engagement, ISOC.
Ms. Paula Oteguy
Multistakeholder Engagement Coordinator, LACNIC.
Mr. Bevil Wooding
Director of Caribbean Affairs, ARIN & CAJS.
Mr. Chengetai Masango
Head of Office, UN IGF Secretariat.
09:30 Feature Address Brigadier (Ret’d) the Honourable Mark Phillips
Prime Minister of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana
09:45 Vote of Thanks Mr. Nigel Cassimire
Deputy Secretary-General,
Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU)
10:30 Introduction to Internet Governance & Reflections @ CIGF 20 Mr. Nigel Cassimire
Deputy Secretary-General,
Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU)
11:15 National, Regional and Global IG Contexts Reports from National, Regional & Global IGFs

Mr. Tracy Hackshaw – TT MAG

Ms. Stéphanie Joseph – President ISOC Haiti – Haiti IGF

Ms. Lilian Chamorro Rojas – Coordinator, ​​LACIGF

Ms. Nia Nanan – SIDS IGF

Ms. Anja Gengo – UN IGF Secretariat and Ms. Carol Roach – UN IGF MAG Chair

12:15 General Discussion and Q&A


DAY 1 – 3rd Caribbean Youth Internet Governance Forum

13:30 3rd CYIGF Opening Remarks Mr. Rodney Taylor
Secretary-General, CTUMr. Tariq Mohammed, CYIGF Chair
13:40 Empowering Youth and Addressing Challenges in Global Internet Governance: Navigating the Future of Digital Policy Mr. Maarten Botterman
Chair of GFCE Working Group on Emerging Technologies
13:55 Panel Discussion: Empowering Caribbean Youth: Driving the Global Compact and SIDS Agendas into Action Moderators: Ms. Celeste Pereira, ITU Youth Envoy



Mr. Shergaun Roserie
Director of Orbtronics Ltd.

Mr. Filippo Pierozzi
Associate Expert, United Nations, Office of the Envoy on Technology

Ms. Nancy Quirós
Internet Society (ISOC)

Ms. Jael Goddard
External Relations Associate

14:20 Panel Discussion: Securing our Digital Future: Tackling Cyber Threats and Protecting Privacy in the Caribbean Moderators: Ms. Renasha Cassar & Mr. Tyler Seudath, CYIGF



Mr. Kevon Swift,
Head of Public Safety Affairs, LACNIC

Mr. Michael Thomas,
Guyana Computer Incident Response Team at the National Data Management Authority (NDMA)

Mrs. Candy Saunders-Alfred,
Cyber Analyst, CARICOM Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (IMPACS)

Mr. Shernon Osepa, CTU

15:00 Panel Discussion: Bridging the Digital Divide: Ensuring Inclusive Access for Caribbean Youth, Persons with Disabilities and Vulnerable Populations Moderator: Ms. Naomi Padmore & Ms. Shanelle McPherson, CYIGF



Mr. Kirk Sookram
Deputy CEO, Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

Mr. Keeghan Patrick
Youth Envoy, ITU Generation Connect

Mr. Shane Cornelius
Member, Guyanese Presidential Youth Advisory Council

15:45 Panel Discussion: Turning Clicks into Cash: Overcoming Challenges and Advancing Monetization for Caribbean Content Creators Moderator: Ms. Shanelle McPherson, CYIGF



Jennifer Persad-Boodoo

Keron Rose

Kyle Maloney
Co-Founder, Director
Tech Beach Retreat

16:40 AI in Action: Boosting Business Efficiency and Cutting Costs in the Caribbean Private Sector  Mr. Leslie Lee Fook
Director of AI, Automation and Analytics, Incus Services Limited
16:55 3rd CYIGF Closing Remarks Ms. Gabrielle Johnson, CTU Youth ICT Network

Mr. Tariq Mohammed, CYIGF Chair


DAY 2 – Global Forum for Cyber Expertise – Internet, Infrastructure Initiative (GFCE Triple-I) Workshop

09:00 Welcome & Opening Remarks Mr. Rodney Taylor, Secretary-General, CTU

Mr. Maarten Botterman, GFCE Triple-I

09:15 I – Better Use of Today’s Open Internet Standards:

the use and usefulness of Open Internet Standards such as DNSSEC, TLS, DANE, RPKI, ROA, DMARC, DKIM, SPF and IPv6. Reference the GFCE Triple-I Handbook at the GFCE Triple-I webpage, and technical tests for the state of implementation at www.internet.nl.


Section 1: DNS Security (DNSSEC, TLS and DANE)

Section 2: Routing Security (PKI and ROA)

Section 3: Email Security

Section 4: IPv6


We will discuss the WHY and WHAT of these open standards and explore the current state of uptake in the region, based upon a measuring using https://internet.nl. Real numbers on current uptake will help better understand where the region stands.





Mr. Nicolas Antoniello, ICANN

Mr. Bevil Wooding, ARIN/Mr. Kevon Swift, LACNIC

Hovsep Najarian /EasyDMARC

Mr. Bevil Wooding, ARIN/Mr. Kevon Swift, LACNIC, Mr. Shernon Osepa, CTU

11:00 II Part 1 – Inspiration from Good Practice Actions:


Next to technical modern Internet standards it is important to manage the Internet resources in a good practice way, learning from global internet practices. In Part 1 we will focus on:

a-     Internet Resilience Index:    Insight in the local Internet resilience in terms of infrastructure, performance, security, and market readiness is key when policies are to be developed and prioritized where it is most needed

b-     MANRS:      rationale, development and deployment of Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security in the region, building on global experience

c-     KINDNS: Knowledge-Sharing and Instantiating Norms for DNS and Naming Security will help keep the DNS space secure





Ms. Nancy Quirós & Mr. Dan York Internet Society (ISOC)


Mr. Andrei Robachevsky – Global Cyber Alliance


Mr. Nicolas Antoniello, Mr. Albert Daniels – ICANN

12:30  LUNCH
13:30 II Part 2 – Inspiration from Good Practice Actions:


a-     “Cookbook” on DDOS attack mitigation (see https://www.concordia-h2020.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/PREPRINT-D3-6_DDoS_Clearing_House_Cookbook.pdf ),


b-     Global Cyber Alliance: Capacity and resilience toolkits for small enterprises (https://globalcyberalliance.org)


c-     Avoiding Disconnection – Understanding the resilience of subsea cable infrastructure


d- Promoting Caribbean Internet Resilience: The DNS Observatory Project


e- Good Practices for Secure and Resilient Operations of ccTLD registries



Mr. Thijs van den Hout – SIDN – The Netherlands



Mr. Brian Cute – Global Cyber Alliance


Mr. Dan York – Internet Society (ISOC)

Prof. Nicole Starosielski – University of California at Berkeley

Mr. Shernon Osepa – CTU


Prof. Patrick Hosein – nic.tt

Ms. Kroopa Shah – Identity Digital


15:45 III – Action Planning for increasing justified trust, together:

Facilitated brainstorm, based on the input discussed over the day, and an introduction on a possible way forward leveraging the “justified trust in the use of the Internet and email” throughout the region. Relevant projects for this will be proposed to consider.



Data for Good


CSAM Status and Policy Actions

UN’s Draft Convention on Cybercrime

Mr. Alex Pompe – Meta


Ms. Maria De Gutierrez Ortiz Monasterio – UNODC


16:55 Conclusions and Closing Remarks Mr. Nigel Cassimire – CTU
17:00 END OF DAY 2


DAY 3 –ARIN/LACNIC/ CTU Policy Forum & Guyana Focus

09:00 Opening Remarks Mr. Rodney Taylor

Secretary General – CTU

09:05 Welcome Remarks Mr. Bevil Wooding – Director, Caribbean Affairs, ARIN
Mr. Kevon Swift – Head of Public Safety Affairs, LACNIC
09:15 Feature Presentations and Q&A:  
Caribbean AI Policy Roadmap 2024


Needs Assessment Survey on Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation and Open Data in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)


Fostering Caribbean AI Entrepreneurship – A Case Study from the Justice Sector


Dr. Paul Hector and Ms. Erica Simmons – UNESCO


Dr. Bhanu Neupane – UNESCO


Mr. Kevin Khelawan – Caribbean Agency for Justice Solutions (CAJS)

Strategic Cybersecurity and Digital Resilience

Digital Economy Initiatives: Next Round of gTLDs and the Applicant Support Programme

Mr. Kevon Swift – LACNIC

Mr. Albert Daniels – ICANN

Interactive Discussion Segment



Mr. Nigel Cassimire – Deputy SG, CTU

11:15 Guyana Focus Session:

·       Status of Internet Infrastructure

·       Measuring the Information Society


Mr. Andre GriffithTelecommunications Agency, Guyana

Ms. Viviana Umpierrez – ITU and Ms. Nia Nanan – CTU

12:15 LUNCH
13:30 Examining the Global Digital Compact (GDC):

·       GDC Overview and Context


·       UN SG’s High Level Advisory Board Briefing Session:

AI and the Global Digital Compact


Moderator: Mr. Shernon Osepa –CTU

Mr. Maarten Botterman – GFCE


UN HLAB Members:

Dr. Craig Ramlal

Ms. Jimena Viveros

14:30 Forum Discussion: Looking forward for the CIGF.

Framing questions

–        Is there a continuing role for a regional harmonisation mechanism such as the CIGF?

–        Given the transition from Internet governance to digital governance, what key challenges would the CIGF need to evolve to meet?

–        What good practices and practical lessons can we draw on to improve the effectiveness of the CIGF?

–        What priority actions can we identify towards advancing, strengthening and sustaining the CIGF?


Mr. Nigel Cassimire – CTU With Seeding Discussants from Stakeholder Communities:

–              Government

–              Private Sector

–              Academia

–              Civil Society

–              Technical Community

15:45 Open Microphone  
16:15 Conclusions and Next Steps Mr. Rodney Taylor & Mr. Nigel Cassimire – CTU
16:30 END OF 20TH CIGF



Candy Saunders-Alfred

Candy Saunders-Alfred currently serving as a Cyber Analyst at CARICOM IMPACS in the Cyber Fusion Unit, she also works as an IT Support Technician for the CBSI Connect platform. Candy has held various positions, including ICT Technician and Digital Forensics Investigator, allowing her to gain valuable technological and interpersonal skills. She holds a Masters in Forensic Computing and Cybercrime Investigation from the University of Dublin, along with a Higher National Diploma in Computing Systems Development.


Hovsep Najarian

As an Email Security Implementation Specialist for the past 5 years, I have been assisting enterprises with configuring their internal email systems and achieving their security objectives.


Keeghan Patrick

Keeghan Patrick is an exceptionally dedicated problem solver with a strong academic and professional background. He earned a master’s degree in advanced manufacturing and design from MIT, complemented by a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from UWI. Keeghan further enriched his knowledge through a semester at Harvard Business School, focusing on Strategy and Technology, and honed his entrepreneurial skills at Draper U Ventures’ founder accelerator program in Silicon Valley.  His academic excellence is evident in the numerous scholarships he has received from prestigious institutions such as the Wade Institute of Technology, Stanford University’s Black in Robotics, 3M, and the National Society of Black Engineers. 


Keron Rose

Keron Rose is a Digital Strategist that works with businesses across the Caribbean and diaspora to help them build their digital presence and participate in the global economy. He is the host of one of the top podcasts in the Caribbean called “Digipreneur FM” and the host of the Digital World on Freedom 106.5fm. He is a columnist for the TT Newsday and Jamaica Observer, a lecturer at Arthur Lok Jack School of Business and a Program Advisor for Marketing at the University of South Florida.


Maarten Botterman

Maarten Botterman is independent strategic advisor on Internet Governance and related issues with 25+ year experience in guiding governments and major organizations on the economic/business and societal impacts of current and future internet innovations and technologies. He has published over 100 reports and articles relating to a broad range for information society issues. In addition, he has 10+ year experience as member of international Boards. His passion is making best use of internet related technologies for a sustainable society, both in terms of ecologic, economic and social sustainability. His vision is based on a deep understanding of what it means to live in a global, networked, knowledge-based society, and his passion is doing the right thing from a public interest perspective in the one world we share, and that is volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous, and diverse by nature. His activities consist of independent (digital) policies advice, board governance, cyber capacity building and teaching and mentoring of young people on Internet governance matters. Maarten is currently Member of the ICANN Board, recently appointed for his 3rd term, and serving as its Chair from 2019 – 2022. Within the ICANN Board he is co-Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee.  Previous positions included Director at the RAND Corporation, Scientific Officer at the European Commission and Senior Advisor to the Dutch Government, before becoming independent in 2006. Previous Board positions include Chairman of the Board of the Public Interest Registry and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the NLnet Foundation. He was also 3 years CEO of the UK based public private platform Information Assurance Advisory Council and 3 years Member of the ENISA Permanent Stakeholder Group. Voluntary work includes leading the IGF Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things, and chairing the GFCE Working Group on Emerging Technologies.


Micheal Thomas

My name is Micheal Thomas, and I have over a year of hands-on experience in cybersecurity. I got into this field because I’ve always been curious about how computers work, which led me to earn a Diploma and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. I’ve worked on various cyber threat incidents, and I’m focused on developing my skills to keep up with the evolving landscape. I’m committed to learning continuously and sharing what I know to help others stay safe online. My goal is to make cybersecurity more accessible, particularly for young people, by raising awareness about the real and growing risks they face online.


Andrei Robachevsky

As Technical Director within the GCA Internet Integrity Program (I2), I am working on developing collaborative approaches to solving key cybersecurity shortcomings in the Internet infrastructure. This work is based on active engagement and collaboration with the operator, research, and policy stakeholder groups. My experience in this area comes from more than a decade work at the Internet Society on improving security and resilience of the Internet infrastructure. As part of this effort, together with a group of leading network operators, we developed and launched an effort that became an industry-led initiative called Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS). I was also responsible for the development of its programs.


Shergaun Roserie

Shergaun Roserie is a distinguished mechanical engineer and technology innovator from Saint Lucia, recognized as one of the Caribbean’s 35 under 35 and Caribbean Youth of the Year. A Howard University graduate, he has worked at Microsoft and Cummins, with specialized training from Google. Currently, Shergaun is a Director of Orbtronics Ltd., where he leads impactful software development and STEM education projects. An advocate for STEM, he actively participates in international youth forums as a delegate of the ITU Generation Connect Group, driving technological advancement in the Caribbean and beyond.


Stephanie Joseph

I am the president of ISOC Haiti Chapter and i’m passionate about technology. i have a master degree  in database


Thijs van den Hout

Thijs is a research engineer at SIDN Labs, the R&D department of the .nl top-level domain operator. He has a Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence from Radboud University, the Netherlands. His work focusses on applying data science and machine learning to tackle cyber security problems in the online space with the goal of making the internet more secure and trustworthy.
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