Digital Transformation
Trinidad and Tobago
Plenipotentiary Conference 2022 (PP-22), Bucharest, Romania, 26 September to 14 October 2022

It is an honour to address this PP-22 and to share Trinidad and Tobago’s vision for Digital Transformation. My sincerest thanks go to the Government of Romania and the people of the beautiful city of Bucharest for the excellent arrangements and warm hospitality. I also wish to convey my deep appreciation to the ITU, through the BDT Caribbean Area Office, for its unwavering support for the Small Island Developing States of the Caribbean.
Trinidad and Tobago Vision for DT
For us, connectivity, and the effective deployment of ICTs, is not a mere afterthought, but a matter of our national survival. Trinidad and Tobago recognises Digital Technology as a key enabler for sustainable development, a fact reinforced by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Alignment with ITU Strategic Goals
The theme of PP-22, Connect and Unite, and its two Strategic Goals, identified under the Union’s Strategic Plan 2024-2027, are exquisitely aligned with our country’s Digital Transformation Strategy.
Goal #1: Universal Connectivity is reflected in Trinidad and Tobago’s policy that access to affordable, reliable and capable Broadband Internet is a Public Good. Despite 81% of households having Internet Access, we know that more must be done to ensure that no one is left behind. We also accept that our solutions must be developed in partnership with, and not at the expense of the private sector, and our stakeholders including civil society and citizens.
Trinidad and Tobago’s Digital Transformation Strategy also reflects the objectives identified under Goal #2: Sustainable Digital Transformation. Examples include our Developer’s Hub; a partnership between the private sector and government to grow the local software developer and coding communities. Another is the Connected Communities initiative, which will drive the development of a suite of apps to benefit residents and businesses in selected communities.
Conclusion: Partnership and Collaboration
As we rapidly evolve in the digital world, we invite you to view us as the place to invest and conduct business. In this context, our success and sustainability can only be achieved through partnerships and investments. Consequently, Trinidad and Tobago is open and ready to embrace these opportunities.
Ladies and Gentlemen, our entire Digital Transformation approach is based on harnessing the power of Collaboration and Partnership as exemplified by:
• the involvement of national stakeholders as equal partners in developing our National DT Strategy for 2023-2026; and
• the pursuit of bilateral engagements with exemplar countries and international Development Partners such as the IDB, UNDP and ITU.
In conclusion, Trinidad and Tobago subscribes fully to the conference’s theme of Connect and Unite and endorses the ITU Strategic Plan, 2024-2027.
Thank you.