Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago (26th June 2020) – For the Caribbean, COVID-19 has delivered some tough, but invaluable lessons. The race to move government and private sector services online in response to lock-down requirements, remote-work imperatives, closed schools and other such disruptions, shone light on long-standing challenges regional governments and businesses have faced.
As part of the effort to catalyse action, the CTU and the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN), will host a free four-part ARIN-CTU Webinar Series: Accelerating 21st Century Government in the Caribbean, onThursdaysin the month of July from 10 – 11:30 AM EDT. 21st Century Government is a critical stepping stone on the path to digitalisation, as Governments champion the cause, and lead by example.
Secretary General Bernadette Lewis stated, “The ARIN-CTU Webinar Series will provide answers to questions relating to ICT-enabled development and sensitise leaders, both within governments and in the private sector, on actions that can be taken to mitigate risks and maximize opportunities for our societies.”
John Curran, President and CEO, ARIN, “Now more than ever, it is important for all organizations to leverage the benefits of the Internet to provide efficient service delivery, and this webinar series will highlight some of the important benefits and issues to be managed in public and private sector digital transformation.”
In January 2018, the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) launched a regional 21st Century Government initiative to accelerate digital delivery of Government services. The CTU defined a 21st Century Government as one that is citizen-centric, seamless, resilient and makes effective use of information and communication technologies to deliver its services. At the launch, the CTU encouraged Caribbean leaders to commit to the initiative and to collaborate to establish Caribbean 21st Century Governments.
Bevil Wooding, Director of Caribbean Affairs, ARIN, stated, “COVID-19 brought to the realisation of many Caribbean leaders the need to accelerate the digitalisation of Governments and diversify economies. It is clear that the region, like the world has changed forever.”
ARIN is pleased to continue its long-standing collaboration with the CTU to raise awareness of the practical steps that can be taken now to achieve Caribbean digital transformation.
The Series is organised with support of other regional and international partners such as the Caribbean Network Operators Group (CaribNOG), the Caribbean Internet Development Foundation (CIDF), the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Commission.
Registration for the ARIN-CTU Webinar Series: Accelerating 21st Century Government in the Caribbean is required and available on the CTU’s website, www.ctu.int along with additional details on the Series content.