50th Executive Council Meeting and Inaugural Caribbean ICT Ministers’ Retreat

April 11, 2024 - April 13, 2024
Venue: Belize

The Caribbean Telecommunication Union (CTU) will hold its 50th Executive Council (EC50) meeting, its 21st Caribbean Ministerial Strategic ICT Seminar and the Inaugural Caribbean ICT Ministers’ Retreat from 11th to 13th April 2024.  The meetings are being hosted by the CTU Member State of Belize, under the patronage of the Honourable Michel Chebat, Minister of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics & E-Governance (MPUELE), Government of Belize.

EC50 is one the CTU’s statutory meetings for the members of the Executive Council, its Permanent Secretaries, Technical Officers and Advisors to ICT Minister, to guide the work of the Secretariat. It is a closed meeting.

The 21st Caribbean Ministerial Strategic ICT Seminar, like previous seminars, will share with Ministers and their teams the current, pertinent developments in the areas of 5G, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cybersecurity to name a few. 

The Inaugural Caribbean ICT Leadership Ministerial Retreat is being held to obtain the guidance and insight of the CTU’s ICT Ministers and Senior Government Officials as the CTU develops its 2024 – 2028 Strategic Plan. The retreat will discuss the pressing ICT challenges in the Caribbean to ensure they are factored into the Strategic Plan and importantly will also seek to strengthen the bonds between CTU Ministers, fostering a spirit of regional cooperation and future-oriented thinking. The retreat will be a blend of formal sessions, cultural immersion and leisure activities so as to deliver a holistic, productive and memorable experience for all attendees. 

Dr. Cosmas Zavazava, Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU and other key Stakeholders will join Member State Ministers and their advisors in Belize for this event.  


  • Primary Objective:

To foster collaboration, share insights and strategise on the advancement of ICT in the Caribbean. 

  • Secondary Objectives
    • To review, discuss and progress the Draft CTU Strategic Plan 2024 – 2028; 
    • To discuss challenges and opportunities unique to the CTU Member States;
    • To develop a unified approach to digital infrastructure and cybersecurity;
    • To explore innovations and emerging technologies; and 
    • To enhance the relationship of the CTU’s ICT Ministers.

The retreat is designed to foster interactive and open discussions among Ministers, as the region’s foremost policy makers in the ICT sector. This gathering will offer a unique opportunity to engage with regional counterparts and, importantly, with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), represented by Dr. Cosmas Zavazava, Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT). Dr. Zavazava will be visiting the Caribbean for the first time since his election as the Director BDT in September 2022. Through a blend of formal sessions and cultural immersion, the retreat aims to facilitate candid conversations on pivotal ICT issues facing the Caribbean, encouraging regional collaboration and cooperation; and the pursuit of forward-thinking initiatives with our international partners.  

50th Executive Council Meeting Agenda
21st Caribbean Strategic ICT Ministerial Opening Ceremony Inaugural CTU ICT Ministers’ Retreat
(by Invitation)
Refer to Members’ Portal Download Download Refer to Members’ Portal


21st Caribbean Ministerial Strategic ICT Seminar
Theme: Bridging Technologies for A Sustainable Future 
Thursday 11th April 2024
 The San Ignacio Resort Hotel, San Ignacio Town, Cayo District, Belize 
Provisional Agenda
Time Item Presenter
13:30 Welcome Remarks Mr. Rodney Taylor, Secretary-General, CTU
13:40 Address Dr. Cosmas Zavazava
Director, Telecommunications Development Bureau (BDT), International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
13:50 Remarks CEO, Belize Telemedia Limited
14:00 Keynote 1: 5G Global and Caribbean Situation Mr. Alejandro Adamowicz
Chief Technology Officer, GSMA, Latin America
14:20 Keynote 2: 5G Cases and Usage Scenarios Mr. Christian James Aguilar Armenta
5G Expert
Federal Institute of Telecommunications, Mexico
14:40 Keynote 3: Brazil 5G Spectrum Allocation and Network Construction Experience Sharing Mr. Ronaldo Moura
Chief of Staff
President, ANATEL, Brazil
15:00 Keynote 4: Best practices for securing 5G Mr. Alejandro Adamowicz
Chief Technology Officer, GSMA, Latin America
15:20 Coffee Break
15:40 Keynote 5: Green Energy and the Case Introduction of Jamaican Agriculture Mr. Nigel Davy
CEO, Innovative Energy Company Limited, Jamaica
16:00 Keynote 6: Digital TRUST
Model for Digital Prosperity
Dr. Jose Luis Solleiro
Professor, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
16:20 Panel 1: The Challenges and Opportunities For 5G Development in Central America and the Caribbean


Moderator: Mr. Rodney Taylor


Sen. The Hon. Hassel Bacchus (TBC)
Minister of Digital Transformation, Trinidad & Tobago

Mr. Alejandro Adamowicz, GSMA

Mr. Jose Otero, 5G Americas

17:05 Panel 2: The Challenges and Opportunities For Green Energy Development in the Caribbean






Moderator: Dr. Devon Gardner
Head of Technical Programs
Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE), JamaicaPanelists:Hon. Konris Maynard, St. Kitts & Nevis (TBC)Mr. Nigel Davy
CEO, Innovative Energy Company Limited, Jamaica
17:40 MOU Signing: CTU and Huawei Technologies (T&T) Ltd.
18:00 End of 21st Caribbean Ministerial Strategic ICT Seminar
19:30 Cocktails and Dinner


Inaugural CTU Ministers’ Retreat
Theme: Bridging Technologies for A Sustainable Future
Opening Ceremony
Friday 12th April 2024
Mistress of Ceremony Ms. Jeanelle Mencias
08:30 National Anthem Belize – Benque Marimba Los Hijos Del West
08:35 Invocation
08:40 Opening Remarks Senator, The Hon. Hassel Bacchus
Minister of Digital Transformation, Trinidad & Tobago
President, Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU)
08:45 Welcome Remarks Hon. Michel Chebat
Minister of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics & E-governance, Belize
09:00 Greetings Dr. Cosmas Zavazava
Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
09:15 Cultural Interlude
09:25 Feature Address Hon. John Briceño
Prime Minister of Belize
09:40 Official Group Photo
10:00 Media Interviews and Coffee Break
Inaugural Caribbean ICT Ministers’ Retreat
Theme: Bridging Technologies for A Sustainable Future
Friday 12th April 2024 – Day 1 
 The San Ignacio Resort Hotel, San Ignacio Town, Cayo District, Belize 
Provisional Agenda
Time Item Presenter
10:30 Special Presentation CEO, Belize Telemedia Ltd.
11:00 Special Presentation: CANTO C9 Ms. Lisa Agard
Chairperson CANTO C9
11:30 Presentation: Current state of ICT policy development:

  • Review of recent achievements, challenges, and opportunities.
  • Interactive discussion on strengths and weaknesses.
Mr. Roger Hennis
12:00 Environmental Scan: CTU and ITU Opportunities for Collaboration
An interactive discussion between the Director, BDT, ITU and the members of the Executive Council on:

  • The environmental factors impacting ICT policy development.
  • Technological trends, regulatory changes and global influences.

And to:

  • Brainstorm to identify emerging issues and potential threats.

Mr. Roger Hennis


12:30 Luncheon
13:30 Gap Analysis: Presentation of findings from the environmental scan:

  • Identification of gaps between the current state and desired future state.
  • Group activity to prioritise key areas for improvement.
Dr. Annalee Babb
15:00 Coffee Break
15:15 Strategic Action Planning

  • Breakout sessions to develop action plans for addressing identified gaps.
  • Each group defines objectives, strategies and key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Presentation of action plans and feedback from each group.
Mr. Roger Hennis
16:45 Wrap up and Summary

  • Recap of key takeaways from the day’s sessions.
  • Closing remarks and instructions for Day 2.
  • Reminder to complete pre-work for the next day’s design thinking session
Mr. Nigel Cassimire
Deputy Secretary General
17:00 End of Day 1


Inaugural Caribbean ICT Ministers’ Retreat
Theme: Bridging Technologies for A Sustainable Future
Saturday 13th April 2024 – Day 2
The San Ignacio Resort Hotel, San Ignacio Town, Cayo District, Belize 
Provisional Agenda
Time Item Presenter
08:30 Welcome and Overview of Day 1 of Retreat Mr. Rodney Taylor
Secretary-General, CTU
08:35 Address Chief Executive Officer
Belize Telemedia Limited
08:50 ICANN 80: Why should you attend? Mr. Albert Daniels
Senior Manager, Stakeholder Engagement, ICANN
09:00 Design Thinking Workshop

  • Introduction to design thinking principles
    and methodology.
  • Group exercises to generate innovative
    solutions to specific CTU strategic
  • Rapid prototyping session to visualise and
    refine ideas.
Dr. Annalee Babb
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Ministerial Team Building: Regional Policymaker

  • Panel discussion featuring regional
    policymakers sharing insights on critical
    relationship between national and regional
    digital policy/strategy
  • Q&A session allowing participants to
    engage directly with policymakers
  • What would a cohesive, effective,
    innovative regional team of digital
    policymakers look and feel like? (One
    Digital Caribbean)
Moderator:  Dr. Annalee Babb


Ministers from:
Hon. Marsha Caddle, Barbados
Hon. Michel Chebat, Belize
Sen., the Hon. Hassel Bacchus, Trinidad & Tobago
Mr. Rodney Taylor, CTU

12:10 Wrap Up

  • Summary of key insights and outcomes
    from the Retreat.
  • Thank you to participants, facilitators and
  • Next steps and follow-up actions.
Mr. Nigel Cassimire
Deputy Secretary-General
12:20 Closing Remarks Sen., the Hon. Hassel Bacchus, President, CTU
Hon. Michel Chebat, Belize
12:30 Luncheon
13:30 Cultural Tour to XUNANTUNICH, Mayan
19:00 Dinner – San Ignacio Hotel


