Statement on Permission Required for Use of the Caribbean Telecommunications Union’s Logo or Brand Assets

The Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) must protect the reputation and integrity of the organisation and its logo. Therefore, prior to using the CTU’s logo, explicit and prior written permission must be obtained from the CTU Secretariat. 

Any unauthorised use of the CTU’s logo is an infringement. To ensure compliance and maintain a mutually beneficial relationship with the CTU, the following pre-conditions and requirements must be met for authorised use of the CTU logo: 

  1. Written Request: Any individual or organisation seeking to use the CTU’s logo must submit a written request specifying the purpose and context of usage. The request should be addressed to Ms. Michelle Garcia at; Attention: The Marketing and Communications Specialist. 
  1. Approval Process: The CTU Secretariat’s Marketing and Communications Specialist will review the request and determine whether to grant permission for the requested usage. The decision will be based, inter alia, on factors such as the requesting party’s alignment with the CTU’s values; potential impact on the CTU’s brand image; and compliance with legal and ethical standards. 
  1. Formal Authorisation: Upon approval and prior to any use of the CTU’s logo, the CTU Secretariat will provide written authorisation specifying the terms and conditions for using the logo. This authorisation should be retained and presented, upon request, as proof of permission. 
  1. Compliance with the CTU Brand Guidelines External: Any usage of the CTU’s logo must adhere to the guide. The guide outlines the correct usage, colour specifications, size requirements and any additional restrictions in the use of the CTU’s logo. 
  1. Periodic Review: If permission is granted for long-term or ongoing usage, periodic reviews may be conducted by the CTU to ensure continued compliance with the agreed terms and its Brand Guidelines. 

Failure to obtain permission or misuse of the CTU’s logo may result in damage to the CTU, its brand and our relationship with a stakeholder that does not comply with these requirements. The CTU is committed to upholding its image, integrity and reputation and may take necessary measures to prevent or cease unauthorised or improper usage of its logo. 

The CTU values partnerships and endeavours to maintain professional and mutually beneficial collaborations. Potential users of the CTU logo are therefore urged to uphold responsible and ethical practices with respect to the CTU’s brand integrity by adhering to the above requirements.  

For further inquiries or to submit a request for permission, please contact: Michelle Garcia, Marketing and Communications Specialist at  or at 1868 628-0281. 

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. 

Caribbean Telecommunications Union Secretariat 

18 September 2024