2nd Small Island Developing States Internet Governance Forum (Part Two)

May 29, 2024
Venue: Antigua and Barbuda

Organisers: Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) and the Dynamic Coalition for Small Island Developing States in the Internet Economy (DC-SIDS) 

 Part One Part Two 
Date: May 28th 2024 May 29th 2024 
Time: 13:00 – 16:10 AST 14:00 – 15:30 AST 
Location:  Virtual via Zoom Official Side Event ID: 189, SIDS 4 Conference Room 11, American University of Antigua, Antigua & Barbuda 


The 2nd Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is proposed to be held over a two-day period during the 4th International Conference on SIDS (SIDS4) in Antigua and Barbuda. Part One will be a virtual event held on May 28th and Part Two will be an in-person official Side Event of the SIDS4 Conference.  

Building upon the foundational work of the inaugural SIDS IGF held virtually in 2022, this forum aims to further enhance the dialogue and cooperation among SIDS in the realm of Internet Governance (IG), Internet Policy, and the Digital Economy. By aligning with the current theme of the SIDS4 conference, this event seeks to leverage the collective experiences and challenges of SIDS, to foster a more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable digital future for all.  


The first SIDS IGF established a vital platform for SIDS across the Caribbean, Pacific, and the Africa, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean, and South China Sea (AIMS) regions to engage in the global discourse on Internet Governance without the necessity of formal membership in entities such as the Dynamic Coalition on Small Island Developing States in the Internet Economy (DC-SIDS). This forum highlighted the unique challenges and opportunities facing SIDS in the digital economy, fostering a global recognition of the need for inclusive dialogue and collaborative problem-solving. Notwithstanding time zone challenges in the virtual setting, the SIDS IGF set the stage for ongoing cooperation and identified initial governance, procedural, and operational mechanisms to address critical issues effectively. 

Meeting Objectives  

  • Leverage the global SIDS4 gathering to sustain and strengthen this globally visible, reputable, recognised ICT policy platform and ongoing process where SIDS can be involved, collaborate, cooperate, share experiences and have their voices heard re: issues arising from and impacts on their countries by IG, Internet Policy and the Digital Economy   
  • Highlight and seek solutions for the critical ICT issues affecting SIDS efforts towards a resilient prosperity. 
  • Consider and identify appropriate digital governance and operational mechanisms to effectively address and achieve resilient prosperity 
  • Ensure that all stakeholders, including marginalised and remote communities, are included in the dialogue on Internet governance and digital economy, promoting equitable and inclusive growth. 

Target Audience 

  • SIDS4 Conference attendees both in-person and remote participants 
  • Academia 
  • Civil society 
  • Government policy makers and IT Managers 
  • Internet users 
  • Internet service providers and Telecommunications operators 
  • International organisations 
  • ICT Regulators 

Thematic Focus  

By focussing on how digital technologies and Internet governance can contribute to achieving resilience and prosperity in small island developing states, the 2nd SIDS IGF closely aligns with the SIDS4 conference’s theme of “Charting the course toward resilient prosperity”. The Forum will explore the intersection of digital infrastructure, policy and innovation with the goals of economic resilience, environmental sustainability and inclusive development.  

Key thematic areas of discussion during the 2nd SIDS IGF will include: 

  • Building Digital Resilience: Strategies for enhancing the resilience of digital networks and services to ensure they remain functional and accessible in the aftermath of natural disasters and other crises. 
  • Economic Diversification through Digital Innovation: Exploring opportunities for economic diversification in SIDS through digital innovation, fostering industries that can contribute to sustainable and resilient economic growth. 
  • Digital Inclusion for Prosperity: Strategies to ensure that digital transformation efforts are inclusive, offering opportunities for all segments of society to participate in and benefit from the digital economy, thereby reducing inequalities and supporting comprehensive prosperity. 
  • Governance and Policy for a Resilient Digital Future: Discussion on the development of forward-looking policies and governance models that support the sustainable and resilient growth of the digital sector in SIDS, ensuring that they are prepared to face future challenges. 
  • Leveraging Digital Solutions for Environmental Sustainability: Highlighting the role of digital solutions in promoting environmental sustainability, including through the management of natural resources and mitigation of climate change impacts, which is crucial for the long-term prosperity of SIDS. 

Through these thematic areas, the 2nd SIDS IGF will contribute to charting a path forward for SIDS to leverage digital technologies and governance to achieve resilient prosperity, addressing both current challenges and future opportunities. 


Download Agenda

Time Topic Presenter
14:00 Welcome Remarks Mr. Rodney Taylor

Secretary General, CTU

14:05 Opening Remarks The Honourable Melford Nicholas

Minister of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs), Utilities and Energy

Antigua and Barbuda

14:15 Keynote: Whole-of-Society Approach to Digital Transformation and Sustainable Digital Solutions Dr. Reyson Lizardo

Director, Government and Public Administration, Dominican Republic

14:30 Keynote: Identifying Vulnerabilities and Assessing Risks to Enhance Digital Resilience and Meet the SDGs in SIDS Ms. Limya Eltayeb

Resident Representative of UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean

14:45 Keynote: The Role of AI and 4IR Digital Technologies in Building Resilient SIDS Dr. Curtis Charles
15:00 Official Photo
15:05 Panel Discussion: SIDS in Global Digital Governance


Moderator: Ms. Nia Nanan, CTU


·      Mr. Cleveland Thomas, ITU

·      Mr. Albert Daniels, ICANN

·      Ms. Vashti Maharaj, Adviser- Digital Trade Policy, The Commonwealth Secretariat

15:20 Outcomes and Next Steps


Mr. Nigel Cassimire

Deputy Secretary-General, CTU

15:25 Closing Remarks Mr. Rodney Taylor 

Secretary-General, CTU

15:30 End of Meeting